Working together successfully for our Planet

The final day of the Erasmus Plus project “Planet Friendly Schools & Communities”, of which CLAR ETS is the exclusive representative for our country, took place in Italy. The intense day of work was attended by over 20 participants from all the partner countries, which, we remind you, are: Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, … continua a leggere

Earth Day: the Effectiveness of Organic Farming

A non-ritual Earth Day celebration took place yesterday 22 April in Piticchio di Arcevia (AN), at the La Terra e il Cielo cooperative. The Terreno Fertile (Fertile Earth) initiative, promoted by the Centro Libero Analisi e Ricerca ETS (ETS Free Analysis and Research Centre), in collaboration with the historic reality of Italian organic farming, was … continua a leggere

Sorcerer’s apprentices playing with the weather

What is behind the idea of spraying tons of sulphur dioxide into the upper atmosphere? The prestigious Time magazine headlined an article: ‘Why Billionaires are Obsessed With Blocking Out the Sun’. Yeah, why? While some scientists speculate theoretically about counteracting global warming by blocking out the sunlight radiating on the planet, there is already a … continua a leggere

Planet Friendly Schools shows up online

Despite the difficulties related to the pandemic, which unfortunately greatly limited the possibility of meeting in person in recent months, the Free Analysis and Research Center – CLAR, has been carrying out for some months the project funded by the Erasmus Plus community program called Planet Friendly School. This project, in which CLAR is the … continua a leggere

Sustainable Agriculture to stop Climate Change

In early August 2019, the authoritative IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the United Nations organization responsible for scientific monitoring of climate change published its Special Report (SRCCL) on climate change, desertification, degradation soil, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas flows in terrestrial ecosystems. The document is focused this year on the relationship … continua a leggere