Planet Friendly Schools shows up online

Despite the difficulties related to the pandemic, which unfortunately greatly limited the possibility of meeting in person in recent months, the Free Analysis and Research Center – CLAR, has been carrying out for some months the project funded by the Erasmus Plus community program called Planet Friendly School. This project, in which CLAR is the … continua a leggere

The Green Revolution in agriculture: the end of a myth

Historical revisionism is out of fashion, but we are in great need of it, perhaps where we least expect it: for example to understand contemporary agriculture. Some really interesting essays are in fact demolishing the myth of the Green Revolution, pride of the agro-industrial system, starting from the second half of the XX Century: a … continua a leggere

“Father of Green Revolution in India” slams GM crops as unsustainable and unsafe

source: The plant geneticist and World Food Prize winner M.S. Swaminathan is known as the “father of the Green Revolution in India”, since he helped introduce into the country a new US-influenced agricultural movement focusing on modern high-yield varieties of wheat and rice – and their accompanying pesticides and fertilizers. “No doubt” that GM … continua a leggere