Planet Friendly Schools shows up online

Despite the difficulties related to the pandemic, which unfortunately greatly limited the possibility of meeting in person in recent months, the Free Analysis and Research Center – CLAR, has been carrying out for some months the project funded by the Erasmus Plus community program called Planet Friendly School. This project, in which CLAR is the … continua a leggere

Sustainable Agriculture to stop Climate Change

In early August 2019, the authoritative IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the United Nations organization responsible for scientific monitoring of climate change published its Special Report (SRCCL) on climate change, desertification, degradation soil, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas flows in terrestrial ecosystems. The document is focused this year on the relationship … continua a leggere

Drinking tap water is good for us, for the economy and for the environment

The Erasmus Plus project Waterschool helps us to understand how to improve the way we use drinking water, a strategic resource for the future of all of us. Italy is the largest European consumer of bottled water According to a CENSIS survey, 90.3% of Italians drink mineral water, 79.7% drink at least half a liter … continua a leggere