Persistence of pesticides threatens European soils

New evidences on persistence of pesticides found out by a Spanish University Research Pesticides residues: an hidden reality The use of phytosanitary products to combat weeds and other pests that affect the crops has led to an increase in the productivity of European agricultural crops in the last 50 years. Their use has been one … continua a leggere

Drinking tap water is good for us, for the economy and for the environment

The Erasmus Plus project Waterschool helps us to understand how to improve the way we use drinking water, a strategic resource for the future of all of us. Italy is the largest European consumer of bottled water According to a CENSIS survey, 90.3% of Italians drink mineral water, 79.7% drink at least half a liter … continua a leggere

Debt is worth three times the world's work

We are distracted by the echoes of an electoral campaign that carefully avoids touching the really important issues. Yet there are news that should really make us jump in the chair: the relief that is given is very scarce. Much more disturbing than the fact that in the Web Tadmines colossal lies, is that it … continua a leggere