The Green Revolution in agriculture: the end of a myth

Historical revisionism is out of fashion, but we are in great need of it, perhaps where we least expect it: for example to understand contemporary agriculture. Some really interesting essays are in fact demolishing the myth of the Green Revolution, pride of the agro-industrial system, starting from the second half of the XX Century: a … continua a leggere

The bloodbath of Afghanistan

These days, the UN has traced the annual civilian casualties in Afghanistan: with 3,804 deaths and 7,189 wounded, the Afghan people have once again paid the highest tribute from the beginning of a civil conflict that bloodshed the country after the intervention Western, started in December of the now distant 2001. An impressive body count … continua a leggere

USA-China on the Huawei case: Europe’s embarrassment

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated clearly that the United States does not intend to release more confidential information to countries using Huawei equipment in their data networks. An ultimatum to the European allies Pompey told Fox Business that even the allies using the equipment of the Chinese supplier in their strategic information systems … continua a leggere

China from Groelandia to the North Atlantic?

China's determination to become a global power is enhanced by a new line of development, the Arctic Sea, which represents the northern complement of the central "Silk Road" terrestrial and Southern "pearl necklace" maritime From the Pacific Ocean, to the Indian Ocean, to Persian Gulf and Africa. A difficult Arctic route through the Bering Strait, … continua a leggere

Opening the Paris conference, 18 January 1919

World War has just ended with the Allied victory. A victory of measure, made possible by the support, economic-financial more than military, of the Usa, because in reality the German forces were never militarily defeated: it was the internal, economic and political collapse of the country to determine the defeat of Germany. The war, in … continua a leggere