Fear of the revolution in Britain, Glasgow 29 January 1919

Too often we are accustomed to think that social conflicts at the end of the Great War have only affected Central and Eastern Europe, and not the western democracies. What happened in Glasgow in Scotland from 29 January 1919 proves the opposite. The workers ask for the day of 40 hours More than 40 thousand … continua a leggere

The Irish revolution, a the trial of the Fourteen Points, 21 January 1919

“For these among other reasons, Ireland—resolutely and irrevocably determined at the dawn of the promised era of self-determination and liberty that she will suffer foreign dominion no longer—calls upon every free nation to uphold her national claim to complete independence as an Irish Republic against the arrogant pretensions of England founded in fraud and sustained … continua a leggere

Opening the Paris conference, 18 January 1919

World War has just ended with the Allied victory. A victory of measure, made possible by the support, economic-financial more than military, of the Usa, because in reality the German forces were never militarily defeated: it was the internal, economic and political collapse of the country to determine the defeat of Germany. The war, in … continua a leggere

The “semana tràgica” of Buenos Aires, 7-14 January 1919

From 7 to 14 January 1919, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a devastating revolt took place, knownas Semana Tràgica, severely repressed, during which there was also a pogrom against Russian Jewish immigrants, accused of being Bolshevik agents. It all began with a strike at the Vesena metallurgical factory in Buenos Aires, a British-owned plant, where they … continua a leggere

Mario Carli, Futurists and Arditi, 1 January 1919

Mario Carli, one of the most representative of Italian Futurism, founded the association between the Arditi d'italia in Rome. At this time the Futurist intellectual is still official of these assault departments, which had played an important role in the last stages of the Great War on the Italian front, not only as elite units … continua a leggere