The results of “Erasmus Plus for migrants and refugees” in Arcevia

The Erasmus 30 Day event “Erasmus for migrants and refugees“, which the clar carried out on 13 October 2017 in Arcevia (AN), in the beautiful context of the ancient convent of San Francesco, has seen considerable participation by migrants, operators of reception, trainers, teachers, representatives of public institutions and the world of trade unions, cooks and food professionals, as well as a broad representation of the foreign partners of the Erasmus Plus VIVET and Suskinder projects that The association is currently developing.

The works were opened by the mayor of Arcevia, Andrea Bomprezzi, who stressed the relevance of the Conference in the strategy that his administration has long been adopted for a direct involvement of refugees in the reception center of Arcevia, through participation in socially useful works (snow emergencies) and other initiatives, in this case cultural, as the archaeological excavations coordinated by the University of Rome Three, which the refugees have lent their cooperation.

The president of Clar, Luca Serafini, then explained how the Erasmus Plus projects currently attended by the association enrolled in a more than twenty years’ course in the field of vocational training (VET) and territorial cooperation, which today They allow the clar to address the migrant issue, beyond any political controversy and any irrational fear, building concrete possibilities for coexistence and collaboration on the ground of knowledge and skills in the workplace.

The word is passed at this point to Helmut Riethmüller and Jan Schultze of the Forum Berufsbildung, Berlin, who, as lead partner of the Vivet project, described in detail the innovative features of the didactic approach of an on-line instrument that organizes, in carefully structured paths in several languages, videos, texts and documents of deepening that are thus usable in any place you are. Ideal tool therefore to provide in a functional way a quick access to very technical skills not only of the sectors chosen for the moment (organic farming, care for the elderly, environmental sustainability, computer security), but expandable to Any other technical and professional field. An instrument, of course, which all the citizens of Europe and the world can access all those who have access to the network.

Elena Sinatti del Clar then briefly illustrated the history of the Erasmus programme, providing, in short, essential financial and utilization data, which undoubtedly make this programme, thirty years after its birth, one of the greatest successes of the European Union’s action. He also explained how the Clar, in its twenty years of activity, was able to link its consolidated experience in the training financed, in particular by the ESF, to the Erasmus programme, working in the context of key strategic partnership actions and Innovation, building a broad network of relations with European organisations working in the field of Vocational and Education Training (VET), which shows another important benefit of the programme.

The prefecture of Ancona officer, Dott. Ferrante, has intervened, before a brief refreshment with products from organic farming, to confirm the attention to projects such as those developed by the clar by the institutions, because they must manage all the problems of immigration in our territory, in particular relating here with the reception center of Arcevia, which operates in this area until the crisis in the Balkans of the nineties.

This center, its long experience and its innovative organizational and operational approach, then spoke Elena Vecchi, who is the director, explaining the reasons for an activity that is now able to make the presence of asylum seekers a resource for the territory, resizing fears, eliminating tensions, knotting collaborations that have produced positive and constructive results, of which it is eloquent testimony the large group of migrants who in the room have followed all the morning’s work.

To demonstrate the wide range of forces operating in Italy to cope proactively with the migrant emergency, it has therefore intervened, with a synthetic but fundamental contribution, the school manager Elena Giommetti, current responsible for the CPIA (Province Center for Adult Education) of Ancona and Pesaro-Urbino Provinces, to explain to the numerous migrants present in the room the possibility, offered by the Cpia thanks to a considerable financing also coming from a community project, to attend courses of Italian language of levels from base to Intermediate, so totally free and widely spread in multiple locations on the territory.

The day of work, of a truly seminarial nature for the possibility of comparing the different actors and the different approaches to the immigration theme, was finally concluded by Gaetano Sinatti, who illustrated the other project Erasmus Plus Suskinder, developed by Clar together with a very broad and articulated partnership. He has focused on some more technical aspects of the Erasmus Plus programme, showing in concrete how the projects financed by it are designed and implemented, for the benefit of all those who are approaching this type of opportunity today.

He then concluded by illustrating the specific training contents of the Suskinder project which closely concern the topic of relationships, in kindergartens and in primary schools, with food as a vehicle for meeting and socializing between children of different origins and culture and With their families, through raising awareness of the issues of sustainability, of a healthy diet, of religious festivals to which food is linked in different cultures and in different religions. It was ultimately an event actively attended by all present, speakers and audience, with which it has been demonstrated the possibility of complementary approaches that, coordinating more key actors and different strategies all based on knowledge , they offer concrete responses to the immigrant emergency, thereby worthily celebrating the Community Erasmus programme in its thirty years.

The videos of the presentations that the Clar has made during the working morning Erasmus 30 Day, in Arcevia (AN), dedicated to the theme “Erasmus for migrants and refugees” are now entirely available on our YouTube channel, at the following address:


By subscribing to our channel, you can then view the videos recorded during the event. Good vision.

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