Debt is worth three times the world's work

We are distracted by the echoes of an electoral campaign that carefully avoids touching the really important issues. Yet there are news that should really make us jump in the chair: the relief that is given is very scarce. Much more disturbing than the fact that in the Web Tadmines colossal lies, is that it does not give the right importance to the really important news, those that affect us all. How many of us for example have read that in 2017 global world debt has reached 233trillion dollars? It documents the Institute of International Finance (IIF), an international body born in 1983 that today collects 420 among the largest banks and financial companies globally, located in over 70 countries. And it means that global debt in the world is worth three times the value of the world economy, precisely 318% of global GDP, with an increase of 16 trillion dollars compared to the previous year.
Who's in debt? The same study says that 68trillion dollars are the global debt of non-financial corporations: roughly we can say, production and non-financial services. This is also a significant fact, as Standard & Poors Global Ratings point out in their report that in the last ten years the incidence of corporate debt on GDP has gone from 81 to 96%, i.e. companies have become more and more indebted, in a period Low cost of the money, but such indebtedness will absorb their profits when the cost of money increases. In second place in the global debt come, with 63trillion dollars, states. They follow, with 58 thousand billion loans, the financial institutions themselves, for example banks and insurance companies. The families are the last good with "just" 44trillion debts. Here is the case to clarify that the consumer debt in Europe has reached the absolute maximum of all times, with 653 billion euros; While the United States has reached 3.84 trillion dollars, compared to 2635 in February 2008: of this sum, note, about 1.5 trillion represent the indebtedness of the students to pay for their studies, with an insolvency rate that reached 12%; 1 trillion represent then the debt accumulated with the credit cards; While other 1 trillion are the debts for car purchases. All this with a new growth, up to a quarter of the total, of customers considered subprime (reminds you of something?), that is to say at high risk of insolvency, that is the immediate cause of the last major crisis, that of 2007-2008. An Italian commentator (Vito Lops, on Sole24Ore last February 16) gloss appropriately: "The world can say that it has put behind the last major financial crisis (bubble of subprime derivatives of 2007) but at the price of having fattened the global debt (both Public and private) of about a third of the total in just two lustri. " The Masters of the Universe, as the Lords of finance call themselves, argue that "debt is a form of wealth": there is no doubt that it is for those who create it, especially through money and global financial instruments, more and more virtual And more and more electronic-they are in fact the managers of these increasingly widespread and increasingly fast tools that earn on the debts of all. The issue that remains open is that the global debt represents the real contemporary social issue, but not spoken in the electoral campaigns. Such a high level of indebtedness is reflected on all of us, as workers and as citizens: what does it mean that an Italian worker produces on average 25 thousand euros of value per year (in micro-enterprises with a maximum of nine employees), if the company is on average indebted To 96%? If the global debt of the States, as we have seen, is the second in order of magnitude, the taxes that the same worker pays as a citizen do not serve to generate services, over time progressively reduced and worded, but to pay financial bodies that They've funded inefficient public bureaucracies. If then you must also be indebed to study the children, as is the case in Mass in the USA, and begins to happen to us-what is the right to study, considered a social conquest fundamental for citizens, enshrined in our Constitution? The question of debt is therefore central to define the model of society that we want: that is why we should also talk about it in the election campaigns. But the non-final consequence of this phenomenon, is the fact that behind the screen of parliamentary systems Partiocratici, the power of money has emptied the meaning of democracy. It is in fact useful today to hide people from the power of the new global Dominators.
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